HISC & CGAPS 2025 Joint Strategy (full) or (1-page brief)
HISC-CGAPS 2025 Executive Summary (5 pgs.)
The State Legislature declared invasive species as the single greatest threat to Hawaii’s economy, natural environment, and the health and lifestyle of Hawaii’s people and visitors (LRB 2015). The 2025 Joint Strategy for the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC) and the Coordinating Group for Alien Pest Species (CGAPS) reflects the highly productive collaboration of these two statewide networks to achieve our shared vision: Hawaii’s natural environment, agriculture, economy, and the health, lifestyle, and culture of its people are protected from the impacts of invasive species.
This HISC & CGAPS 2025 Joint Strategy (HISC/CGAPS 2025) builds on more than 25 years of effective action, successful network-building, gap analyses, and lessons learned – starting with the creation of CGAPS in 1995 and the establishment of HISC by state statute in 2003. The strategies and key actions outlined in the plan were developed using a broad participatory process with input from more than 100 partners across both networks and in support of the actions identified in the 2027-2027 Hawaii Interagency Biosecurity Plan. For information about participating in the Working Groups to advance each of these strategies, or to be added to the listserv, please contact CGAPS.
- Hawai`i Prevention Priority Distribution List This list was created to support the key actions outlined in Strategy 1 of the HISC & CGAPS 2025 Joint Strategy. To better communicate and measure progress toward the goal of improving invasive species prevention programs, we will use a non-regulatory Hawai‘i Prevention Priority List of different types of potential invaders which could arrive from a variety of source regions, and by different pathways. By focusing on the prevention of these “sentinel” species and pathways, countless other potentially harmful species may also be prevented. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of all species of concern, nor is it intended to be a regulatory list—it is solely for planning, communication, and assessment purposes.
- Hawai`i Limited Distribution List With feedback from partners, HDOA compiled a non-regulatory Hawaiʻi Limited Distribution List of high-impact incipient or localized invasive species in coordination with other agencies to guide key actions in Strategy 2 & 3 of the HISC & CGAPS 2025 Joint Strategy. The key actions listed for these strategies focus on preventing the inter-island and intra-island spread of terrestrial (Strategy 2) and aquatic (Strategy 3) invasive species. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of all species of concern, nor is it intended to be a regulatory list—it is solely for planning, communication, and assessment purposes.
CGAPS Strategic Plan 2015 to 2019 identified five priority goals with specific actions to focus on over five years:
- Minimize the inter-and-intra-state movement of pests.
- Expand Hawaii’s biocontrol program.
- Educate the public and decision-makers regarding the importance of prevention of invasive species in Hawaii.
- Identify invasive species threats to Hawaii and coordinate the development of response plans for key threats.
- Identify, synthesize, and share information about prevention and control measures.
2009-CGAPS-Vision-and-10-Point-Action-Plan documented the ten most important issues that must be resolved to effectively prevent, detect, and manage invasive species.
- Full Plan
- Presentation CGAPS V&A Slides A visual presentation of the Vision and Action Plan
- Full Plan by Agency A short document based on the CGAPS Vision and Action Plan, with just the immediate actions for each agency.